Toon app: Home Assistant controller

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Joined: Sat Mar 09, 2019 11:07 pm

Re: Toon app: Home Assistant controller

Post by Joskep »

A question about a sunscreen switch on the Toon;

My Shelly Switch for the sunblinds are working fine on the HA dashboard (laptop/mobile devices) but they don't work when you want to use them as a switch (or scene) on the Toon HA-app.
is there a workaround to make the Shelly suncsreen switch visible on the Toon?
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Joined: Sat Mar 09, 2019 11:07 pm

Re: Toon app: Home Assistant controller

Post by Joskep »

And another question...

The text of the 'sensor' (in my case the output of my solarsystem) is very small on the tile.
What can i do to make this bigger? Do i have to edit the value of a font in the file 'Homeassistant.Homescreen.qml'?
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Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:40 am

Re: Toon app: Home Assistant controller

Post by Xavier »

kicking up...

Since last week I started with migrating from Domoticz to HA.
Now I want to install and use the Home Assistant Controller app on Toon.
Installation went good, but..... nothing happens or is being loaded.
I created a long-life token in HA and pasted the token in mnt/data/tsc/homeassistant.token.txt
I went to "Instellingen":
Server IP:
Poort: 8123
Clock widget = OFF
Pass: empty
Legacy pass = OFF

To test I use 1 sensor and 1 switch.

Nothing happends nor can I see any connection to HA.

HA version:
Core Version: core-2024.5.5
Supervisor Version: supervisor-2024.05.1

Toon version:
Software version: 6.0.2
TSC version: 2.1.7
HA controller version: 1.0.8

I use DuckDNS and NGINX Proxy SSL for remote access (needed for Google Assistant).

What am I doing wrong or do I forget?

Any help is appriciated!

Toon2 with 6.0.2 firmware TSC 2.1.7
Apps: Sonos, Calender, garbagecalender, webcam, doorcam, Onkyo, Domoticzboard, Solar and weather app.
Posts: 182
Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:40 am

Re: Toon app: Home Assistant controller

Post by Xavier »

I think I 'm getting close.
After again carefully read this entire post I understand I need to ADD certificates to Toon.
Still not understandig what to do exactly.
1. Where do the .pem certificates come from? Which are those? --> got them from Let's encrypt combined with DuckDNS
2. I also need to get the "DST_Root_CA_X3.crt", It seems this certificate is retired and should now be "IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1" based on at the bottom of the page.
3. I understand only the "DST_Root_CA_X3.crt" -->IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1 is needed?

If I get this to work, I would be pleased to make an updated instruction, but for now I need some help with this.

Update (but still no working Home Assistant app on Toonv2):
1. Installed the Home Assistant app on Toonv2 from ToonStore
2. entered IP-adres of HA (https://<IP_ADDRESS>
3. entered port of HA, in my case "8123" (433 not possible due to network limitations of Unifi (433 is fixed, not able to adjust))
4. SSL is enabled
5. Created a long-time key in HA
6. entered key in homeassistant.token.txt in /mnt/data/tsc
7. downloaded new certificate "IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1" based on since the old certificate is outdated.
8. Created fullchain.pem from Let's encrypt combined with DuckDNS
9. Copied fullchain.pem to /etc/ssl/certs/
10. Copied fullchain.pem to /usr/share/ca-certificates/ and renamed it to fullchain.crt
11. Then added 'fullchain.crt' to the bottom of file ca-certificates.conf in /etc/
12. Then ALSO added "IdenTrustCommercialRootCA.crt" to the bottom of file ca-certificates.conf in /etc/
13. Ran command 'update-ca-certificates --fresh'
14. Reboot Toon

When doing:

Code: Select all

curl https://<myDNSname>
I get this response:

Code: Select all

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate
More details here:

curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
What I DON'T see in /etc/ssl/certs is:

Code: Select all

fullchain.pem -> /usr/share/ca-certificates/fullchain.crt
What I DO see in /etc/ssl/certs is:

Code: Select all

IdenTrustCommercialRootCA.pem -> ../../../usr/share/ca-certificates/IdenTrustCommercialRootCA.crt
Nothing happens--> in the Home Assistant app on Toon everything is still empty (and yes ofcourse I entered some sensors and switches)
Toon2 with 6.0.2 firmware TSC 2.1.7
Apps: Sonos, Calender, garbagecalender, webcam, doorcam, Onkyo, Domoticzboard, Solar and weather app.
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