WOW! Unfortunately I deleted an important folder on a Synology (Raid1) NAS.
No recycle bin available. But the files are still available on the Disk. Disk has a EXT4-filesystem.
I want to undelete this folder. Preferably with a (cheap) program that works with WIN10.
What I did:
Put one diskdrive in a WIN10-PC.
Tried several programms: ReclaimMe, RecoverIT, EasUS Data revovery Wizard, Asoftech Data recovery, Recuva, Recovery Explorer Standaard, Testdisk/PhotoRec and Aomei backupper.
No succes (because I have little knowledge and no Linux knowledge).
Can anyone help me?
Many thanks, Verkenner (Drenthe)
Undelete files on Synology NAS
Undelete files on Synology NAS
Best regards, Verkenner
Re: Undelete files on Synology NAS
i would post this on they have a nas section.