Toon app: boiler status

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Re: Software: modifications and extensions Toon

Post by Ierlandfan »

I found out that Toon is logging the Opentherm ID's (Not all but most of them) in an app called boiler, I enabled the app but it doesn't show up in the menu (If I am not mistaken originally you need a subscription for that) The rra's are there and it shouldn;t be that hard to modify the config_hcb_rrd.xml and the app to log the ones that are missing.
If I knew how to enable it . I already added it to /HCBv2/qml/qb/base/global but can't see the tile anywhere,
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Re: Software: modifications and extensions Toon

Post by Toonz »

Ierlandfan wrote:I found out that Toon is logging the Opentherm ID's (Not all but most of them) in an app called boiler, I enabled the app but it doesn't show up in the menu (If I am not mistaken originally you need a subscription for that) The rra's are there and it shouldn;t be that hard to modify the config_hcb_rrd.xml and the app to log the ones that are missing.
If I knew how to enable it . I already added it to /HCBv2/qml/qb/base/global but can't see the tile anywhere,
hmm, my boiler app folder is empty (..\qml\apps\boiler just has a 'lang' subfolder). If you have the full app and post it here then I am happy to have a look.
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Re: Software: modifications and extensions Toon

Post by marcelr »

I found out that Toon is logging the Opentherm ID's (Not all but most of them) in an app called boiler, I enabled the app but it doesn't show up in the menu
Hi Ierlandfan,

I think the built-in boiler app refers to leased equipment; I don't see any readout of boiler data anywhere, can you name file and directory where you found the OT ID logging? Can't find it in your set of files either, but then again, I may be blind as a bat.

Anyway, I'm working on it :-). (Not the app, but a set of qml scripts that delivers boiler status to a tile). Got the acquisition working, still need to design a bunch of icons to go with the numbers. Exercise patience :-)
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Re: Software: modifications and extensions Toon

Post by Ierlandfan »

I found these references in hcb_config_hcb_rrd.xml

Code: Select all

......(truncated for reading, there's more)
Just a question, are you querying internally? e.g.not the website happ_thermstat?action=printTableInfo?
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Re: Software: modifications and extensions Toon

Post by marcelr »

Just a question, are you querying internally? e.g.not the website happ_thermstat?action=printTableInfo?
Oh yes, but from within:

Code: Select all "GET", "", true );
Works like a charm ;-)

Did you find any boiler logs in the rrd databases in /HCBv2/data/hcb_rrd/?

EDIT: Just for reference, added a screenshot of the tile in the making. Layout sucks, icons are incomplete and suck as well, data are generated by a chunk of software, and relayed to my test toon through Schelte's OTGW. It's not connected to a real boiler, the actual numbers therefore make no sense (yet).

On screen:
room temp setpoint, room temp, boiler temp setpoint, boiler output temp, boiler input temp, outside temp, water pressure, rel. modulation level.
Need to make a bunch of nice icons, add warnings for low pressure and non-condensing return temperatures.
BoilerstatusTile.png (8.18 KiB) Viewed 45944 times
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Re: Software: modifications and extensions Toon

Post by marcelr »

Just finished the first draft version of the boiler status tile.
It turned out to be a busy one. It displays boiler temperatures, setpoints (room temp, dhw temp and boiler output), modulation level, system pressure, outside temperature (if you have that connected).

To do:
Check floating point values (qml doesn't support signed characters, so two's complements of separate data bytes need to be handled in a special way).

Handle non-OT boiler properly. There's some code in the app, but it only gets it right when the thermostat is already set to bang-bang control.

Display warnings when boiler pressure is low, and indicate non-condensing boiler return temperatures (> 55 degrees or so).

Install in the usual way (add "boilerstatus" somewhere in the loadable modules list in /HCBv2/qml/qb/base/Globals.qml, and drop the boilerstatus folder in /HCBv2/qml/apps/ ).
Enjoy, and please provide feedback if things don't work for you, or you see things you don't understand (I sure hope the icons are more or less clear).

Oh, one more thing: this tile will work with fw versions from 3.0.29 through 3.5.4. For 3.6.3 you will need to retrofit an older version of happ_thermstat.

EDIT: app moved to downloads thread.
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Re: Software: modifications and extensions Toon

Post by Toonz »

nice, as I am on 3.6.3 now, where can I find an older (compatible) version of happ_thermstat?
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Re: Toon app: boiler status

Post by phoenixb »

@toonz already get the old file somewhere? I'm looking also for this one ;-)
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Re: Toon app: boiler status

Post by odelay99 »

Hi, since I updated to 4.4.21 boiler status app is not working anymore, I understand I need to downgrade to happ-thermstat_1.554-trunk_qb2.ipk
Where can I find that file?
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Re: Toon app: boiler status

Post by gielie »

I’m on fw 4.8.25 and I also like to try this out, were can I find the older files I need to get this to work.
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Re: Toon app: boiler status

Post by klaphekje »

SW version 3.0.29 used happ-thermstat_1.554-trunk_qb2.ipk. I have not tried it myself so i don't know if there are any dependencies.
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Re: Toon app: boiler status

Post by Toonz »

Hi guys,

finally a breakthrough in getting boilerdata stored in the rra databases (or any other data from any rra database on Toon):

Via a simple html page on Toon you can retrieve all data from the rra databases.
Create an html file 'ReadRRD.html' in the folder HCBv2/www/hcb_rrd with the following content to demonstrate:

Code: Select all

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>RRD read dataset</title>
<FORM action="/hcb_rrd" method="post">
	<INPUT type="text" name="loggerName" value="thermstat_boilerChPressure"/>
	<INPUT type="text" name="rra" value="year"/><BR/>
	<INPUT type="hidden" name="action" value="getRrdData"/>
	<INPUT type="submit" value="Send"/>
and call the page via [url]http://<ip_Toon>/hcb_rrd/ReadRRD.html[/url]

and you will get back the full dataset :D for use in Domoticz, qml or whatever you want to do with it.
All available loggerNames are listed in /HCBv2/config/config_hcb_rrd.xml in the tag <rrdLogger><name> like thermstat_dhwBurnerStarts etc.
You can also select the period like year, 30days, 5min, 5yrhours etc from the config file <rra><name> tags

Just fill in your loggerName in the web page and the selected period and have fun !!

(No need for any programming Marcelr, sorry 8) )

Kind regardz,

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Re: Toon app: boiler status

Post by gielie »

This looks nice but i don't get any results back, only get this.

Code: Select all

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>RRD read dataset</title>
<FORM action="/hcb_rrd" method="post">
   <INPUT type="text" name="loggerName" value="thermstat_boilerChPressure"/>
   <INPUT type="text" name="rra" value="year"/><BR/>
   <INPUT type="hidden" name="action" value="getRrdData"/>
   <INPUT type="submit" value="Send"/>
as plain text, am i doing something wrong
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Re: Toon app: boiler status

Post by Henk-JanS »

Did you chmod +x the file?

What's the result of ls -la - does it look like

Code: Select all

eneco-001-123456:/qmf/www/hcb_rrd# ls -la
drwxr-xr-x    2 108      111            664 Nov 21 12:56 .
drwxrwxr-x   20 root     root          1416 Sep 30 08:41 ..
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           421 Nov 21 12:56 ReadRRD.html
-rwxr-xr-x    1 108      111           4508 Aug  9 06:19 editDevice.html
-rwxr-xr-x    1 108      111          18696 Aug  9 06:19 hcb_rrd.html
-rwxr-xr-x    1 108      111            115 Aug  9 06:19 lang_en.js
-rwxr-xr-x    1 108      111            404 Aug  9 06:19 lang_nl.js
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     513             12 Mar 18  2014 rrd_data -> /tmp/hcb_rrd
-rwxr-xr-x    1 108      111            472 Aug  9 06:19 testSet.html
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Re: Toon app: boiler status

Post by Toonz »

No need to chmod +x the file.

Have you used to correct url (without the port number): e.g. http://192.168.x.x/hcb_rrd/ReadRRD.html?
Is the Toon webserver running properly?

Or do you mean you get that back as the source? Which is correct.
You will get the dataset back when you press the SEND button on the webpage.
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