Templar wrote: ↑Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:27 pm
Hi rvdbreemen,
I've got a slightly differend hardware setup. The
classic OTGW hardware with the Recom DC/DC convertor mod. And instead of the MAX232 IC, I connected a ESP8266-12E VCC=5V. On it I run the
ESP-LINK: Wifi-Serial Bridge w/REST&MQTT V2.2.3. To use your Nodemcu firmware the only thing I need to do is altering these PIN definitions in the
OTGW-Core.ino file? It has been 4 years ago I set this up..
Code: Select all
#define PIN_I2C_SDA 4
#define PIN_I2C_SCL 5
I see no reply on this, but I actually got this to work fairly easily on my classic OTGW. I use an ESP-01 on an ESP-01 UART 3,3/5V adapter module. Powered from the OTGW (using a Recom DC/DC indeed). The code is based on rvdbreemen's FW version 0.9.5, with the following modifications.
1. Arduino IDE board selection "Generic ESP 8266 Module". The flash size is just 1MB for this unit (Nodo shop version has 4MB). I selected FS:256K, which leaves ~374K for OTA (not using OTA, and probably would not work in this configuration, i guess)
2. Removed all references and connections to the I2C external watchdog (including the SDA and SCL pin references, and Wire commands), and use the ESP.h SW watchdog in its place (modified the feedwatchdog command) with a 3000 ms timeout.
3. Changed the pin definitions for the LEDs and the PICreset pin. Actually no LEDs are connected now, and still need/want to implement a reset line (with voltage level shift) from the ESP to the OTGW, but without it the FW also works fine (for my purposes at least). I currently only have a reset button connected to the OTGW.
I followed the 'How to compile' instructions on rvdbreemen's Github, with all the proper library selections. The FW runs perfectly and stable. I use it to make an MQTT binding to Domoticz (used the OTGW-Domoticz-MQTT-Client for that). I am still using 4.2.5 FW for the OTGW and the standard Domoticz binding (via PS=1) only works with version 5 and up. I made one more hack in the ESP FW to only send opentherm messages via MQTT that start with R (so messages to boiler that are modified by the OTGW). The PIC FW that I use was modified to override the Tset signal for zone control using the SB feature and in this way I can also monitor that function via MQTT, without having to send a serial command to the OTGW first (to check the status of the GPIO pins in this case). I parse the MQTT opentherm messages with NodeRed (actually copied the parsing code from the ESP FW to do that).
Previously, I flashed the PIC via OTmonitor over wifi (via the jeelabs ESP-link FW that you mention). I hope that flashing still works with the ESP FW in between (via port 25238), or maybe via the PIC firmware upload facility in the ESP FW, but I have not tried it and no need to modify the PIC FW at this moment. I am happy with the setup. Nice stuff rvdbreemen and hvxl!