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Hardware and software selection

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:46 pm
by williwyg
Hi there,

As a newbie on this forum just let me shortly introduce myself. My name is Willy and I am working as an independent software developer(Microsoft environment). I find my customers mainly in the automotive industry in Germany.

3 years ago I moved from the Netherlands (Eindhoven region) to the south of Belgium (Vielsalm) where I bought an old farmhouse. After rebuilding and restoration, it is now about time to start my private domotica project.

My main goal for my domotica project is to optimize energy consumption. Here is a small list of the primary requirements for my domotica solution.
1. Control the heating in each room of the house independently
2. Write information to a database about the requested (soll) temperature and the actual (ist) temperature per room.
3. Write information to a database if the room was being used.(motion)
4. Monitor current energy consumption. Write information to a database about the amount of oil being used.
5. Make changes to my domotica settings via a secure internet connection(turn heating on and of in a specific room)
6. Control software should not be restricted to a single technology.
7. The complete solution should be affordable for a normal house situation.
(Requirements 2,3 and 4 should provide me the information to do an analysis how often a room was being heated without use and should lead to further optimiziation)

I have been surfing the web the past weeks to gather information about existing software and hardware solutions. I did a comparison on the different systems on the market.

On the hardware side I came across the components that are delivered by “ELV” ... tail2_1357
On the software side I came across a solution cold “IP-Symcon”. .

It strikes me however that both the hardware and software is not mentioned a single time on this forum. Is there a specific reason for this? Does anybody have any experience with either the hardware components or the IP-Symcon software?
Or are there other products that suit my needs and needs recommendation?

