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Is anybody using Home Control Assistant (HCA)?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 7:09 pm
by MindBender
It seems like the whole world is using HomeSeer, but after using the evaluation version for a while I think it's a severely limited product: It shows the status of my modules on it's webserver and allows me to change the status of the modules, but it doesn't do more than that.

I think $200 is way to steep for such a limited product. Extra functionality can be added my means of plug-ins, but those set you back from $40 up to $100 a piece! Yeah, I know; I paid $$$ for X-10 hardware so they like to have their cut as well, but this is really bad value for money.

The functionality I need really isn't that complicated: I want to be able to switch multiple device on reception of an X-10 command from my remote control. I want to have timers that allow me to automatically switch device at pre-programmed times. And I want timers to allow me to define the duration of my outdoor lights by software, after the detector has triggered them. HomeSeer doesn't seem to offer any of that functionality.

I'm currently testing HCA, which can do many, but not all of these functions. Unfortunately this software if full of bugs and my response to their appeal for beta-testers has been unanswered twice. Perhaps only paying users can be beta-testers, but that's highly unusual and they should at least respond to their email.

Is there anybody out there who uses HCA too and is willing to share his experiences with us?

Is anybody using Home Control Assistant (HCA)?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:37 pm
by b_weijenberg
I don't know which version of Homeseer you have used for testing but I use Homeseer now for 2 years and the only limitations it has is defined by the lack of my own creativity.
You can have a live demo if you like at my home.

regards, Bert

Is anybody using Home Control Assistant (HCA)?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:50 pm
by Bwired
I agree with Bert
Lots of things Mindbender mentioned is standard supported by Homeseer. You can also create your own scripts as well. Up till 2 years ago I was running the complete controlling and logging of the Bwired home with Homeseer 1.x. I agree that u need a lot of plugins etc, you can also write them yourself. I have my own Home control system which is much more ended on my own situation and of course your own full controll.
Btw where can I see the specifications of HCA best on the web.

Is anybody using Home Control Assistant (HCA)?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 9:17 am
by Hoffan
Is it possible to see a live Demo of ypur homeseer Bert??

Is anybody using Home Control Assistant (HCA)?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 12:44 pm
by Snelvuur
the thing that strikes me the most with homeseer is the default layout/themes. There is no website dedicated to themes for homeseer or something similar, which is in my opinion a real miss.

Is anybody using Home Control Assistant (HCA)?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 2:08 pm
by b_weijenberg
you can program additional asp or aspx pages or use the Mainlobby plug-in. At are several HS system that have nice pages.

I've sent you an email how to access my HS system.


Is anybody using Home Control Assistant (HCA)?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 2:12 pm
by Snelvuur
Bert, although your right.. its still alot of work and yet another plugin. For xbmc or mediaportals there are always alot of themes present from the internet. I'am 95% sure the things i want in my website cant be done with homeseer. If they can be done it would take me so much time (and also learning asp) which i dont think i have the time for.

I do own homeseer 2, but its more for testing stuff before i work it over to linux.

The sites i've seen public from homeseer all look as if we are back in the 90's with website design ;-)

Is anybody using Home Control Assistant (HCA)?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 4:09 pm
by b_weijenberg
please give me a message when you have your linux system running as I'm also interested to have a linux system available with Home Automation software that is easier to manage and with a good and easy to build UI.


Is anybody using Home Control Assistant (HCA)?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 6:40 pm
by Snelvuur
So far only the ctx35 interface is coming close to completion. (perl) after that i'll try and see if i can get the rfxcom with perl ;-)