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Where to start

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:44 pm
by mschut
Hi all,

After some reading of this forum, I must admit it starts to blur. So maybe someone will help me to point me in the right direction. I really like the idea of Domotica. This forum, and other sides provide me of plenty ideas. On the other hand, I don't relly have a money-tree and don't want to start investing in a direction, which isn't the most clever one. So, providing the most interesting things I would like to do, what are the best directions to start in?

What I already have.
I do have some components which could be useful to integrate in my domotica system.

-) Webcam Linksys WVC54GCA
-) Some KAKU components "old style" (with the frequency selection wheels, not the newer ones)
-) KAKU door bell (old style: CDB-6500BC)
-) Homeseer Pro ( not upgradable without investment :oops: )

What I would like to do
The things which I find useful to automate

-) Take a picture (LinkSYS) when the front door bell (KAKU) rings
-) Take a picture (LinkSYS) when the door opens
-) Turn on the lights when a smoke/fire detector goes off (this isn't proper english, is it?)
-) Control thermostats

The things which I find amusing to automate

-) Collect information about energy consumption
-) Program switches and conhtrol them through a website

It looks like all I need to do in the first place is to buy a RFCOM module to control the KAKU modules and buy one contact transmitter to solve the door function. But I am not sure whether this investment is wise, since all my KAKU components are old. Is it better to start investing in Z-Wave components to be more future-proof, also to incorporate the possible smoke/fire detectors (there are no KAKU ones).

What advise would you give me?

Re: Where to start

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:09 pm
by LostDreamer
Hi there,

I would also suggest getting an RFXcom in there, it's one of the commonly used devices I've seen.

For simple door/window reed contacts and motion sensors I also use a combination of X10 / KAKU devices.
The kaku light relay switches are very fast if you have an RFXCom Transmitter and very cheap to,
just watch out you dont get to much KAKU, since they WILL interfere with eachother.

When you have the rfxcom, you can get some weather sensors from oregon scientific to sense the temp / humidity.

Controlling individual thermostats on the other hand is another thing, As far as I know a lot of people are trying out the FHZ1000 : ... eviews.htm
But I havent had time to play with it yet so cannot tell you anything about reliability etc.

Enerygy consumption will be with Plugwise I guess..... to bad there isnt an all-round solution.


Re: Where to start

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:09 pm
by b_weijenberg
The RFXMeter + RFXPulse can be used to measure power and gas usage.
The SD90 smoke detectors or KD101 Flamingo smoke detectors. The SD90 has an RF battery low and heart-beat.

This can be received by the RFXtrx433 together with Oregon, and some La Crosse, Cresta, TFA weather sensors. And KAKU, Harrison and HomeEasy EU, ELRO, IMPULS can be controlled by the same RFXtrx433. Several Home Automation software packages support this RFXtrx433. See the list on the RFXCOM web site.

If you use the RFXtrx in a home automation system it is not a good idea to use AC (HomeEasy,Chacon,KlikAanKlikUit,NEXA...) door/window and motion sensors! These sensors are designed for stand-alone mode and produce for 3 to 5 seconds about 50 RF messages. This will disturb the RF signals of other sensors and if you send a command to the RFXtrx transmitter it will wait until the AC sensor has stopped transmitting. It has no use to start transmitting if another sensor is active because both signals are disturbed due to the RF collision.

Code: Select all

Door sensor transmits ===================================================
                      |                                                | 5 seconds later the sensor stops RF transmit
                      Sensor received in application
                       Command to the RFXtrx transmitter - wait--------| RFXtrx starts transmit
For door/window sensors it is better to use the X10 DS90. This sensor can be used to trigger lighting commands and also for security.
The best motion sensor for lighting is the X10 MS13.
As motion sensor for security the MS90 can be used.