Zigbee Motion Sensor

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Zigbee Motion Sensor

Post by Han »

Though the Zigbee forum is silent for some time, I still think Zigbee will become the dominating home automation protocol in the coming years.
From a technical point of view it's perfect: very reliable, low power consumption, very well specified.
I have been playing with XBee hardware for some time, but found the supplied stack not very usable for Home Automation (ZCL not supported). TI offers a far better hardware platform for this purpose. I finally bought hardware modules (Z100A) from NetVox, which are based on the TI CC2530. After playing around for some time, I have build a first function: a motion sensor using the SimpleSensor ClusterId.
I used a PIR sensor (DYP-ME003) which is very cheap and available form several Ebay sources in China:
pir_sensor.jpg (18.66 KiB) Viewed 5496 times
The bare pcb:
pcb.jpg (28.8 KiB) Viewed 5496 times
Finding the right mounting method is always difficult, but I found a Hammond box that fits the design nicely:
The Zigbee module is underneath the pcb.
pc_boxed2.jpg (43.38 KiB) Viewed 5496 times
The final unit:
pir_unit.jpg (32.9 KiB) Viewed 5496 times

The unit is in a sleeping state most of the time and uses only 0.5 uA power (only the Zigbee hardware, the PIR unit consumes 350uA).
The unit is reporting it's state whenever it changes (waking the Zigbee chip by means of interrupts).
I made the pcb in such a way that it can also be used for a "contact input". In that case the power consumption is really very low and the batteries will last for many years.

I adopted my Home Automation software in such a way that I can combine the Zigbee hardware with X10 hardware (based on the HomeRun open source software)
I also have build a Zigbee unit that controls my vertical blinds, and are working on a led (12V) and triac dimming unit now. (my X10 units are for sale now :D )

I'm interested in hearing from others who are working on Zigbee.
Han Alink
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