Program module

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Program module

Post by Pieterpaul »

BTW: if my suggestion about the B02 being the second part of the sequence is correct, I think that means the CM11 would not be able to actually program a module.
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Program module

Post by MindBender »

Do you mean that the address code for APD2 is coincidentally identical to the address code of B02? I'm at my work, so I cannot check it right now, but in this case the CM11 is still misinterpreting a command for an address... And the PMIX35 is doing the same, so it's not very likely. I think we're missing something here....

I will try to program a couple of different addresses as well, to see if anything changes in the traffic. And I could have the CM11 send out the sequence to see how the module responds to it.

I'm sure the CM11 software isn't filtering anything because it's my own software. The name for the ADP2 command was taken from the CM11 documentations. The CM11 firmware may still apply some filtering, but I'm not going to verify this because I'm, a bit reluctant of connecting my oscilloscope to its mains carrying internals.

I didn't see any traffic when pushing the button of an old SAIX10, but I can check again.
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Program module

Post by Pieterpaul »

I don't think the APD2 can accidentally be the same as a B02, I believe that all house codes, device numbers and commands are non-overlapping. What I meant to say was that when you send an address or command like A01 or AON, it is normally sent twice (duplicated) over the line. At least in the case of the CTX35's software. So A01 ON would be transmitted as A01 A01 AON AON. I thought that maybe your SW filters out (i.e. silently discards) the second occurence in this sequence (leaving A01 AON). But then again, I bet you know how your SW works [:)]

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Program module

Post by MindBender »

First a little test result: As expected, an old SAIX doesn't put anything on the net when the program button is pressed (or released (after held for some time)). We could have know that by the PMIX35 analyzer software lacking functionality to detect this.

Aha, now I know what you mean. No, my software doesn't filter for duplicates. I intend to implement that in the X10 protocol stack, but not in the daemon I'm currently testing. But now you're mentioning it; The old SAIX module doesn't put any duplicate addresses nor commands on the network. Neither does my new SAIX12. That's not what we would expect. Perhaps the CM11 firmware is leaving out duplicates if they are transmitted concurrently...
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Program module

Post by MindBender »

Ok; It seems like I have messed up a bit yesterday evening. I forgot to specify the wire function when programming the DAIX12 module. I have repeated my test, this time with a SAIX12 because I wasn't sure if a DAIX would tolerate being switched on without a load attached, and this time I have specified the purple wire to be an momentary switch on address C03. The traffic below is observed by my CM11 and it completely makes sense:
CM11: A01 (sent by PMIX35)
CM11: APD2 (sent by PMIX35)
CM11: AHRQ (sent by PMIX35)
CM11: A01 (sent by SAIX12)
CM11: AHAK (sent by SAIX12)
CM11: C03 (sent by PMIX35)
CM11: C03 (sent by PMIX35)
CM11: CON (sent by PMIX35)
CM11: CON (sent by PMIX35)
CM11: APD2 (sent by PMIX35)
CM11: APD2 (sent by PMIX35)

This means that the CM11 <b>can</b> program the new Xanura modules too. If my girlfriend allows me any time (after missing me last evening already) I will validate this.
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Program module

Post by Pieterpaul »

Cool. Kinda. For owners of CM11s at least [:)]

Next question is how to get the CTX35 to xmit PD2/PR2/PRG commands... Who can upgrade CTX35 firmware [:o)]
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